Weight Loss Coaching- Higher Stress Cortisol-Lower Fat burning

Could Stress be Causing my Weight Loss Plateau?

Cutting calories but not losing weight? Exercising like a crazy person, and haven’t dropped a pound? Tried every fad diet out there with no results? Looking at your stress levels could be the answer…..

Stress Levels are directly correlated with Obesity and Metabolic diseases. Whether it’s from being stressed and over eating, or the stress hormones up-regulated that it is the culprit, we know that high stressed people don’t burn fat the way that they should.

This video describes how Stress elevates Cortisol, and how cortisol in excess starts a vicious cycle of turning down our fat burning metabolism.
The day to day modern world that we live in causes so many forms of stress. When this stress becomes high, we begin to produce too much cortisol. Too much cortisol catabolizes muscle tissue to create glucose(because it thinks the body is stressed out and needs to Fight or Flight). We know have more glucose in the blood, down regulating fat mobilization, lowering our immune function, and raising inflammation. Not too mention, with less muscle on our body, our metabolism is slowing down. This creates a Weight loss plateau’s or stalls that plague so many people now days.
Get my top tips for reducing Cortisol, stress, and turning on an environment for fat burning to take place.

  1. Get more Quality sleep
  2. Don’t Over Train or train too intense
  3. Lower inflammatory foods or toxins
  4. Leave work at work
  5. Create a stress Reducing routine
  6. Stress reducing supplementation
  7. Hope you Enjoy!!!

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