Time Restricted Feeding- Intermittent Fasting- Shortening your eating window

Quick fix Society with too many Diets.

With so many diets on the table today, it’s hard for the average person to filter through all the hype and make an educated decision. I tend to lean more on the side of what is logical instead of what airs on the Today show. One things for sure though, everyone wants a quick fix to managing their weight. So I figured I would share a simple strategy that works no matter what diet you actually choose. Yes thats right you can be Vegan, Keto, If it fits your Macros, Vegetarian, Carnivore, or even S.A.D. and still use this protocol to lose fat.

Time Restricted Feeding AKA intermittent Fasting

I have a written on this topic before, however I keep learning more and more on this subject, and want my client/readers to keep up with this knowledge. I decided to make a video that showcases some of the science that goes along with time restricted feeding and the benefits that come along with it.



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