The many Benefits of Water Fasting- Fat loss, Detoxification, Diabetes

Water Fasting

This video is for anyone who is curious about why more and more people are talking about fasting these days. Fasting for fat loss, fasting for detox, fasting for blood pressure, fasting for diabetes, fasting for inflammation, no matter what your reason for fasting it is important to know all the tips to get you started.
There are so many different benefits to water fasting and this video only touches on a few. Hope you learn something from this, I learned a ton making it.

Fasting is looked at like your absolutely crazy now days if you practice it. But think about this, almost every culture or religion has some form of fasting in it dating back centuries and centuries. Think about it our bodies, our biology, is set up to store fat for fuel in times of famine or fast! Maybe the reason we are so fat is because we have lost the ability to tap into this lost art!

Top benefits of Water Fasting

  • Fat loss
  • Reduce Joint Pain and Inflammation
  • Boosts HGH Production
  • Anti Aging Effects
  • Improves Blood Pressure
  • Improves Detoxification
  • Reverses Type 2 Diabetes
  • Reverses Obesity
  • Boosts your Immune System

If you have any questions about fasting, like how to baby step your way into it, please comment below, or comment on the you tube channel.


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