The times we live in currently, we have so many choices on what to wear, what to watch, what to drive, and most often what to eat. Just a few hundred years ago, these choices were so much more narrow than they are now (think about that…………). Foods now days hardly come from hunting, fishing, gardening, or gathering. They come in pretty little plastic packages, with all kinds of promises or statements about why you need them. Along with the sales pitch on the front of the package, you get a load of chemicals that help preserve the semi edible substance inside but also help keep you addicted (in some cases) to the foods your consuming.

KNOW THY ENEMY:Nutrition Consult Bentonville

High Fructose Corn syrup

Soybean oil

Mono-sodium Glutamate MSG

Enriched Wheat Flour


These are just a few of the “goodies” that you get with processed foods. With these on a regular basis we find a society that’s fatter than ever in history, with the most diseases, and the most ignorance……

THE FOODS FROM THE EARTH WE WERE CREATED TO EAT:nutritional coaching Bentonville

Hands down the foods with the most nutritious value are natural organic foods. They support are brain function, our immune system, and our skeletal muscular system. The crappy foods do those too, but at a fraction of the rate that natural foods do. Want to dodge the common cold for the entire winter? Eat vegetables at every meal, exercise regularly, and sleep well, and your immune system will thrive like savage beast! It’s not uncommon to see someone, who eats and exercises well, to remain cold free 1-3 years without a cold or flu!!! I know some people who can’t go more than 1-3 months without a cold or flu…..It’s not a shocker……. God gave us these foods to help sustain us and keep us healthy, and so it only makes sense that when you eat mostly foods that man has made with chemicals and laboratories that you get results that God did not intend for us (for Bible readers read Daniel chapter 1)…. Dis-ease…..However, not only do the foods in the produce or meat section not make many claims like processed foods, but they also are the most nutrient dense foods on the planet. For more info and Nutritional Consulting or Nutritional coaching Bentonville Arkansas email me @


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