Earth’s natural foods vs. Man’s unnatural edibles

hfcs High fructose corn syrup

Friend or Foe?

Foe!!!!!!!!!   This is a perfect example for how man has took a natural creation and twisted it into something potentially harmful to us. Corn processed and refined down into syrup ( in a process similar to crack from cocaine) that is almost twice as potent as sugar. This means that you get almost twice the metabolic response than you would from refined table sugar. The outcomes…….. Loads of insulin pumped into the system causing weight gain, inflammation, insulin resistance, and potential diseases such as type two diabetes and obesity. The foods that harbor this enemy are more prevelant than most even realize! Here is list containing just some of the foods that contain HFCS Companies like Kellogg’s, Nabisco, Capri-Sun Sport Drink, Coca-Cola, Ocean Spray, Pepsi, Snapple, Starbucks’ Frappuccino make millions from the products that they proudly use High fructose corn syrup. They don’t care about our health, they don’t care about our Dis-ease(s), they care only about our money…… I mean really, corn syrup in Ritz crackers!!!!! Since when did crackers require such products ? Look around your cabinets if you don’t believe me HFCS is all over the place if your not careful.  Also, United states soda sales have dropped for the 10th straight year(, however happy that makes me, it also puts me on the defense because I know that means they will be introducing a couple new sports or fruit drinks every year trying to trick people into think that they are healthy. So my advice is to read labels, be proactive in searching out your purchases, and think primal and eat foods that that aren’t defiled by imperfect man and his monopolies……



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