Gut Microbiome | Breaking Weight loss plateaus

Gut microbiome weight loss plateau

Rebalancing the Gut- The Key to breaking weight loss Plateau’s

For Years people have been talking about specific diets, exercise, supplements, cleanses, fasts, and more, all in the name of trying to ditch excess body fat. And one thing that I consistently run into in my practice as a personal trainer and a health coach is that people hit weight plateau’s even using things like Ketogenic diets, and intermittent fasting.
I know there is a ton people out there that struggling to lose the we weight they want despite their efforts to diet, and exercise. Accordingly I decided to put this video out in hopes that people will have a new direction to take their efforts in not just burning more fat but also increasing their overall health in general.

Gut Health Killers

If you have took numerous bouts of antibiotics in your life, you are a major risk for having gut dysfunction, or a gut imbalance. On top of that we have all been exposed to tons of pesticides in our water supply and foods that also alter our gut bacteria. Glyphosate has only been in our food and water supply in the last 30 years, and look how much our health has decreased in that time.
Thyroid problems, IBS, Gerd, Gluten intolerance are just a few of the things people are suffering with in this modern day situation we are all stuck in.

Pressing the Reset Button on Your Gut Bacteria

What most people need is a simple gut reset to re-balance and re-populate the gut microbiome in order to restore proper gut function and health. We need to face the facts, if we don’t start treating these small intestine imbalances and leaky guts, then our fat loss diets, and supplements won’t work effectively. But once we do heal the gut, than we can properly use these tools to burn more fat for fuel, and have more energy and vitality.

It starts by having a good Health Coach who can identify problem areas, help you find the right testing for the gut, and hold you accountable to the specific diet and gut protocol that is desired. I personally look at it like a Garden. You have Weed – Seed -and Feed. Weed out the bad guys that have a strong hold. Seed in the good guys that we desperately need so we can rebalance, and then Feed those good guys so the grow, repopulate, and thrive in their new environment. I have personally seen this approach improve health and digestion (and weight loss) in just a few weeks of using this approach. Gut health is the future of medicine and Fitness. If people don’t get on this train, they are going to be left behind very quickly. 

For more questions on how this protocol works, or to see if you can schedule a consult with me to work on Gut health, email me @

Hope you enjoyed this, if you learned something, please share with someone else who you would think might also learn form it! Thanks and have a great day!


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