Fasting and Feasting For Fat Loss


So telling an american to fast is as easy as telling an american to not celebrate Christmas or the 4th of July! People just look at you sideways like you just asked them to sacrifice their first born. However, the benefits of this long used modality can have so many modern day benefits for us. For instance, Type 2 diabetics have a problem with high blood sugar right? Simple fix is to take the pills right? What if you could dodge the pills,and reverse the entire problem of blood sugar and insulin? Fasting is literally proving itself to do just that.

If you have type 2 or even pre-diabetes, and you have not heard of Dr. Jason Fung, I couldn’t recommend more to check out his blog, and some of his lectures. I was skeptical at first, but more and more his logic and science have proven themselves true. Not to mention I have ran my own experiments.


I plan on going more into detail about my experiments later. The most shocking part about this approach to me is the fact that muscle loss is so minor or even not at all! It took me a minute to wrap my head around the idea that cutting calories will reduce metabolism or metabolic rate, but yet fasting,(cutting everything!) doesn’t slow metabolism or metabolic rate! The major bonus of fasting (besides fat loss, tons of energy, focus, and extra time on your hands) is the feasting! If you calorie restrict after your fast, the data shows that you will be doing damage to your metabolism. However, complementing fasting with feasting, and I mean feasting, shows that you can effectively burn fat for energy on your fast days and eat like king or queen on your feast days. There are precautions to fasting so i recommend researching and talking to your doctor before doing any long term fasting. I’ve found that salt and water are my two fasting partners. Start small. Go from 12, to 18, to a 24 hour fast. I don’t recommend going straight in to a 3-5 day fast….

Check with your Doctor, and evaluate your stress and health before you start fasting. Remember it is a stress to the body. So being as stress free overall will allow for more healing and not hurting. For more information on fasting you can email me at


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