Chocolate avocado Keto Pudding Recipe

Easy Keto Desserts

This very simple recipe can be used a delightful dessert in a low carb or ketogenic diet. It is almost entirely fat, and almost no carbs. Follow the recipe in the video using an avocado, sour cream, chocolate powder, stevia, salt, and a nut butter. Mix together for 2 min and refrigerate for pudding or put in the freezer for Keto ice cream. 

Also the Toasted coconut flakes are an awesome low carb crunch to any Keto dessert ideas you may have. Take some raw coconut flakes and put them in the oven for 3-5 minutes at 350, or until lightly tanned.

If you like this recipe, share it with your friends, like the video, and subscribe to the channel to get the latest from Muscles and Veggies, as we try to get the word out that low carb keto is reversing type 2 diabetes, and helping people live happier lives.

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