Burn Fat Better
You have heard the saying “practice makes perfect” right? Well, you can actually practice burning fat. It’s simple really, when your used to burning fat, your body becomes well trained to do it all the time. However, when your used to burning carbs all the time, then your body doesn’t get much practice burning fat. See, burning fat is more than just burning your own belly flab. It also involves using healthy fats we consume for constant energy sources all the time. Simply put, if your body is used to burning fats all the time, then when you are in between meals your body naturally grabs its excess body fat and burns it as a fuel source because it is practiced in utilizing fats one way or the other. On the contrary, when a person consumes carbs all the time, then in between meals, not only do they have blood sugar crashes and cravings, they actually will convert protein (muscle tissue) into carbohydrates, because that’s what the body is used to consuming all the time for fuel. So what are the ways you can put your body in training to burn Fat?
Tip 1: Stop eating so many carbs!!!!! Did you know that it was basically in the last 60 years or so that Americans adopted a high carb breakfast! Why do you think farmers for hundreds of years had bacon and eggs or steak and eggs for hundreds of years? Because the fat and protein kept them full, and full of energy for hard day on the farm. They didn’t have time for sugar crashes or spikes in energy levels. If you suffer from mid morning hunger cravings after your breakfast I can almost bet money you ate to many carbs/sugars. Try low carb, high fat breakfast like eggs and bacon, for an energy full morning with little to no cravings.
Tip 2: EAT MORE FAT!!!!! The lower the carbs you eat, the more fat your should add. As your insulin levels drop from having less carbohydrates to spike them, your body will turn on “fat burning” whether it’s belly fat or edible fat. Higher Carbohydrate meals should be after your workouts or sports to replenish glycogen levels and ward off muscle breakdown. Stay away from trans fats like hydrogenated anything, or seed oils like canola, corn, vegetable, cottonseed, or sunflower oil. All of which are not ideal fat sources for us.

Tip 3: Don’t be Afraid to fast on fats!!!! The more your body shifts from burning carbs to burning fats, by eating low carb, the more you can go without food and not have all the normal adverse effects of fasting on a carb heavy diet, like being “hangry”. Intermittent fasting becomes fun on a high fat diet! I’m serious, it is amusing to see how long you can go without eating with no cravings or ill effects. Once you adopt a high fat breakfast you will see how easy it is to go til 1 or 2pm without even thinking about food.
This way of eating has too many benefits for me to list in this blog post. Read some of these studies based on low carb, high fat diets. Weight loss becomes effortless, blood lipids go down (counter intuitive to what the food pyramid says), and energy is more stable and consistent. Did you know that your brain actually functions better eating high fat over high carb? Oh yeah, and did I mention that you get to put bacon and butter on everything!