Bentonville + Fayetteville Metabolism Coaching

Are you Struggling with a slow Metabolism? Have you tried Multiple Diets or even Pharmaceuticals to help you lose weight? I’m sorry….. It’s super frustrating to be in that position and for a lot of the clients that I Coach (in personal Training in the Fayetteville Area) they started their journey based on that same frustration. There is so much information out there that is so confusing. Calories in and calories out, Low Carb, or Low Fat UGH!!!!!! Over it!
As a Certified Weight Management specialist here in Northwest Arkansas I Train my clients to look at this problem with a holistic or whole body mindset. We cant just focus on pounding the workouts and cutting calories….. Those create downstream negative consequences that we have to fix later. For example, just do a quick search on how many of the biggest loser participants gain all the weight back and more when the show is over!
Human physiology is so much more complicated than that. We have to take into account that every time we lower our calories for either too long or too intense we could also be lowering our hormones and thyroid which slow down the metabolism. On top of that, Working out too intense can spike cortisol which strips the muscle off our bodies and a large part of our metabolism or calorie burning strength comes from the amount of muscle mass we have at any given time.
So how do we Train and eat in a way that keeps our metabolism burning fast, while also healing our hormones, Sleep, stress, and digestion all at the same time? It’s simple! Hire a Personal Trainer that Coaches all of these areas. My Coaching program specifically Trains clients in a Holistic manner that doesn’t neglect any of these key parameters of Health and Fitness. Let me give you some advice. Call me for a free 15 minute Consultation and then I want you to call personal trainer and nutritionist in the area and see if there program is better than mine. See who makes the most logical sense, and also who is coaching in terms of overall health and not just in Appearance only. My program is not an overnight success type of weight loss. However, my program will allow you to build a robust metabolism that will allow you to eat more food and lose body fat at the same time. With a Strong metabolism you will be able to go out with friends and have a drink and dinner and not feel like you gained 5 lbs afterwards. We don’t count calories or carbs. We don’t eat every 2 hours like crazy body builder. You will get stronger, and more emotionally stable as time goes on. You sleep better and feel less stressed. Your digestion will improve, and you will have less gas and bloating….. This is what success in health and fitness feels like. And it doesn’t happen overnight. It takes dedication and perseverance. But once you build it, you won’t lose it because it becomes a lifestyle and not a diet.
For more information please listen to my podcast on spotify or itunes called “Muscles and Veggies Fitness Podcast”. Also please feel free to text me or call me for free 15 min consult at 479-876-9649.