Becoming Fat Adapted – Learn how to be a Fat burner


How To Become a Fat burning Beast 101:

So your tired of counting calories, and completing tough workouts in the gym and not seeing the results you want…… I see this all the time, or a combination of one or the other. So unleashing your inner fat burning beast is more than just restricting calories or doing a boot camp class every week. Becoming Fat Adapted takes a plan. In this part one series, I want to talk about the Fat Storing hormone. What is it? What triggers it? What does it do?

So the culprit [Insulin] shows it’s ugly head, only when we let it out of its cage. Insulin has commonly been stated as the fat storing hormone. It triggered primarily by carbohydrates breaking down into glucose in the bloodstream. Too much glucose in the bloodstream is actually toxic and causes all kinds of complications. So insulin is released by the pancreas to shuttle nutrients into the cells via the liver or muscle. That being said if the muscles and liver all full and can’t take any more glucose, than the glucose has to go somewhere so the insulin puts the glucose into Fat cells storing it for later use. AKA fat storing hormone. In other words if you’re sitting around a lot not using your muscles very much your use of carbohydrates is actually very unproductive or unneeded. Check out my presentation on why muscle activity can prevent Insulin Resistance. The benefits of Muscle Mass go farther than just filling out our sleeves. They actually prevent disease.

Protein also has a smaller insulin effect, but nowhere near the level of Carbs. Fat has almost no insulin effect at all. Eating carbohydrates in bulk over time will cause your body to become trigger happy in releasing insulin. So one slice of bread can give you a ton of insulin that zaps your energy, creates inflammation, and makes you a fat storing lump for hours….. So how do we turn on our inner fat burning beast you may ask????

Lower Insulin- Burn Body Fat becoming fat adapted

When your insulin is low from eating less Carbs, your body naturally starts tapping into those reserves of energy that hang around your waist line. Cutting down on carbs doesn’t mean you avoid them like the plague….. It just means that you use them when you need them. If You work an office job, or have a lazy day around the house on the weekend, you probably don’t need a lot of “carbage” that day…. That said the bulk of your carbs should come from vegetables on those days. Cutting carbs also means raising your fat intake and moderating your protein as well. Here are the following tips to becoming fat adapted. These tips will give you the basics on lowering your insulin to start mobilizing body fat for fuel:

  1. Restrict Carbohydrates (eat the bulk of your carbs from green vegetables, avoid breads, pastas, chips, crackers, sugar, desserts, juice etc)
  2. Start tracking your macro nutrients (with health tracking app like Samsung Health or My Fitness Pal. Get 50% or more of your calories from fat.
  3. Set weekly goals to lower your Carbs every week that you meet your goal (start at 200g of carb a day for the first week, then 150g the second week, etc, etc).
  4. Be more active as you implement these Goals- While cutting carbs it’s nice to beat the cravings with hikes, walks with dog, biking, lifting weights, kayaking, jogging, basically anything that keeps you moving will help lower insulin even more and start burning more fat.

Stay tuned for part 2. We will talk more about how to cut carbs, what fats to eat, and what supplements help you along the way. Remember that Sugar and Carbs are the offenders that let the insulin out of its cage to start storing fat. So if you keep those at bay, the insulin can’t come out and play. Which means the Fat goes away! I’m a dork I know! For more information or questions you can email me directly at



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