Muscle Mass Benefits

The Muscle Mass Prescription:

muscle mass video

I have been getting a ton of questions about building muscle, and what the benefits are of doing so. So i decided to do some digging on the benefits that I already knew of, and maybe some I hadn’t read yet too.  More and more now days I am seeing people on the cardio equipment less, and lifting heavy things instead. It’s pretty obvious that the leanest people in almost any gym, are on the weight racks. Sure you can lose weight with cardio, but if you don’t keep it up, the weight almost always piles back on. You cant keep it up forever because sooner than later the stress of doing cardio all the time makes your hormones fall apart. However, building muscle from resistance training actually improves your hormones and lowers stress if done correctly. So here’s what I found on the many many Muscle Mass Benefits.

Benefits of building Musclemuscle mass benefits

One study found that increased muscle mass was directly correlated with a lower risk of insulin resistance, high triglycerides, high fasting glucose, hypertension, high cholesterol, and obesity. They also noted that the increase in muscle fiber size was also directly linked to greater increase energy metabolism.

Another Study found that both young adults and elderly had an increase in testosterone and growth hormone from progressive resistance training program. Both higher levels of testosterone and growth hormone are key player in fat mobilization and muscle building. So yes, YOU CAN BUILD MUSCLE AND BURN FAT at the same time.

I’ve always known that muscle mass was directly linked to a longer mortality rate. This study in the Scientific American showed that muscle mass was better marker for tracking longevity than Body mass index (BMI).” Doctors routinely measure a patient’s body mass index, or BMI. And if that weight-to-height ratio points to obesity, the doc might prescribe exercise, to shed the extra pounds. But when it comes to longevity, a focus on weight loss may be misplaced. Because BMI isn’t actually a very reliable indicator of life span. A more useful measure, some physicians say, might be muscle mass.

Researchers analyzed BMI and muscle mass data from more than 3,600 seniors in a long-term study. And they tracked which seniors had died, a decade later. Turns out BMI wasn’t much good at predicting chance of death.

But muscle mass was: more muscle meant better odds of survival. The study appears in The American Journal of Medicine. [Preethi Srikanthan and Arun S. Karlamangla, Muscle Mass Index as a Predictor of Longevity in Older-Adults]”.

The Muscle Mass Dose:

Think simple…. You don’t have to quit your day job or sacrifice your weekends. Adding muscle mass can be as easy as lifting some heavy things a few times a week for 15 minutes. Think compound movements that target four areas: Push, Pull, Core, and Legs. If you do all four together with no rest your not only building muscle and burning fat, but your also building your cardiovascular base as well. Intermittent Fasting can also be beneficial for burning fat and growing muscle.

Sample Beginner workout:

10 push ups or shoulder press (on knees or regular)- 10 pull ups or 10 bicep curls- 10 sit ups or crunches- 10 body weight squats or 10 dead lifts. Perform each set of 10 back to back with little to no rest. Complete the every station to make a round. Start at 5 rounds for the first week, then increase weight or rounds or both as your get stronger and stronger.

Remember, to build muscle you have to put a greater and greater stimulus to the muscle to get it to adapt and grow. For questions or Fitness coaching you can email me at or text/call 479-876-9649.


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