Fitness Misconceptions 101

Ever walked into the gym and looked around and realized that you commonly see the same thing (almost) all the time? I do almost everyday! You look to the weights and its almost entirely filled with men. Maybe a few women here or there…. Then you look to the treadmills and cardio equipment, and now its flip flopped! It’s almost all women with a scattered dude or two…. Why is this! Well, guys want to build muscle and get bigger and women want to lose weight and be leaner right? Right! However there is a huge problem in this!!! Men are getting bigger and stronger and leaner (if they know a little bit of what they’re doing that is) and women are putting in twice the time, working their butts off and still struggling to lose weight. Why is this? Because of the misconception that resistance training will make women bulky and that running makes you lose weight from calories in calories out……

Strength training Strengthens the Human Hormonesresistance training for women

Did you know that some studies suggest that 80% of women struggle from hormonal imbalances? What’s ironic is that there is a ton of men who do to, and you know what type of men these are? Mostly the type that you won’t find in the weight room, a manual labor job, sports, or a strenuous activity….. But if you want to find some people who’s hormones are not only in balance but also on fire with activity, look no further than some folks who resistance train regularly. Our bodies Hormones are reflected in the storage and distribution of excess bodyfat, the density and strength of muscle, levels of energy and sex drive and the symptoms of aging. These hormones are elevated directly from resistance training! (University of New Mexico studies).

And if you still think that you can lose more fat by running, read this article written by physicist John Kiefer. It goes into the details on why running actually turns on fat storing mechanisms and how your literally “running into trouble!”(article name).

So don’t be scared of the weights people! Embrace them and see how much better you feel and look by testing your limits of strength. Wanna learn more? Call Me today 479-876-9649 or email questions to



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